The Best Foot Forward Project (BFF) is an initiative at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Housed at the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard (CEPR), BFF is a study to identify whether video technology can make observations fairer and more reliable, easier to implement and more preferable to teachers and administrators. BFF will then transform these results into a suite of reports and tools intended for use by school districts and states interested in pursuing the project.
The Research Assistant(s) for the BFF project will coordinate data collection activities in Los Angeles and serve as the primary contact for participating teachers and school principals. The Research Assistant(s) will work with up to 30 schools and 120 teachers – half of those will be in the control group and will require less hands-on attention. The Research Assistant(s) will also play an important role in assuring continued participation and re-recruitment of schools and teachers for each year of the study.
Please see attached for more information Download LAUSD Research Assistant Description