The DSC is committed to your success in all your academic endeavors. As we ramp up in the semester, the writing advisors will accommodate as many requests for paper reviews as possible. Please be reminded of the following with regards to scheduling a paper review:
- Contact your assigned writing advisor to schedule a review date for your paper or dissertation via email or by phone.
- Submit your draft within 48 business hours of the scheduled review date.
- The scheduled review will consist of your writing advisor reviewing your paper for clarity and coherency, and providing feedback via email (or in-person when a meeting is requested).
It is very important to plan ahead. Schedule reviews in advance especially during peak periods. Requests for a quick turn around will depend on the writing advisor’s caseload.
Generally, a paper or a course assignment is reviewed only once. Chapters for a proposal or dissertation can be reviewed multiple times prior to the defense.
You may schedule an individual meeting to discuss a variety of issues pertaining to academic writing, the dissertation process or feedback provided on drafts. These meetings can be held in person, over the phone, or online.
The writing advisors are assigned as follows:
Cohort 2012: Dr. Linda Fischer, [email protected], (213) 740-3813
Cohort 2013: Dr. Evelyn Felina Castillo, [email protected], (213) 740-3845
Cohort 2014: Dr. Ilda Jimenez y West, [email protected], (213) 740-2199
Be aware there are other resources available to you. See the helpful links below:
OASIS – Online Academic Student Information System
Rossier Doctoral Programs Information
The Graduate School (Thesis/Dissertation Submission)
We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration.
DSC Writing Advisors