Dear Cohort of 2014 students,
I hope you are all doing well! Please see below the important reminders and information:
Educational Doctorate Student Assembly Information Session- October 6
EDSA is hosting an information session on Navigating Your Career Path BEFORE and AFTER the Ed.D.
- Gain best practices on how to maximize career opportunities
- Ask Expert Panelists Burning Questions on Building Professional Relationships
- Share your Concerns, Hopes, Dreams, & Career Highlights
WHEN: Monday, Oct 6th 2014 Waite Phillips Hall (WPH) Room 403
- 5:30PM Networking
- 6:00PM Panel Discussion
- 7:30PM Wrap/Q&A
Hawaii and Distant LearnersREGISTER & use the following link to view the panel discussion online @6PM:
Featured Renowned Panelists:
Dr. Estela Mara Bensimon- USC Rossier professor of higher education and Founder/Co-Director of the Center for Urban Education
Dr. Dale Henry- USC Rossier Alumni & Grant Writer Pediatric Therapy Network(EDSA 2014-15 Alumni Chair)
Dr. Maria Ott- Rossier Executive in Residence and Former Superintendent Rowland Unified District & Author “Position for Growth
Dr. Robert Rueda - Stephen H. Crocker professor of education psychology at USC Rossier
Katy’s Extended Office Hours
I have arranged a few extended office hours in the upcoming weeks.
Please see below the updated extended office hours:
- Wednesday, October 8- 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (WPH 404D)
- Friday, October 17- 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (WPH 404D)
- Friday, November 7- 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Room 116, Orange County Campus Center)
If you would like to make an academic advisement appointment or have any other questions, please let me know.
Gmail and Skype Availability for Advising
If you are not able to stop by my office, I am available on Gmail chat as well Monday-Friday throughout the day depending on my availability. Please feel free to Gchat with me if you see me online and have any questions!
For those who are new to Gmail chat please note the following:
-A green dot next to my name: I am available for chat
-A red dot next to my name: I am currently busy and unavailable
-An orange dot next to my name: I have become "idle" or have possibly stepped away from my computer
-A gray dot next to my name: I am not logged into Gmail
My contact information:
Gmail chat: [email protected]
I am also available through web cam advising if you would like to chat online about your classes and/or the program.We can chat through a variety of programs: Skype, Google Chat, Adobe Connect and any others you prefer to use. If you would like to set up a web cam advising session, please email me to make an appointment
Skype: Katy.Lin1123 (by appointment)
Proof of Immunization and Screening Requirements Reminder
USC requires all students receive two doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) vaccine, or show proof of Measles and Mumps immunity, prior to their first semester of enrollment at USC. Since it is already passed the September 12 deadline, students who did not submit their immunization record to the immunization office will have a registration hold on their account. That means, you will not be able to register for any classes in the future until you clear your registration hold by submitting all the necessary immunization documents to the immunization office.
Please submit one of the following:
- Documentation (month and year) of receiving TWO doses of the MMR vaccine (or TWO doses of Measles vaccine and TWO doses of Mumps vaccine)
– OR – - Documentation of a positive Rubeola titer and Mumps titer (laboratory blood test)
Please note:
- All documentation must include an official signature or stamp from your physician or clinic.
- The first dose of Measles, Mumps or MMR vaccines must be given at 12 months of age or later. A patient must wait at least 4 weeks, following the first dose, to receive the second dose.
- Students born prior to January 1, 1957 are considered to be immune and will automatically be listed as exempt from the measles and mumps immunity requirement.
How To Submit Documentation:
- Please e-mail documented proof of Measles-Mumps Immunity to the Immunization/Screening Compliance Office: [email protected]
- If you need to fax your documented proof instead, please fax to: (213) 821-2740.
- (All documents must include the student’s full name, 10-digit ID number and telephone number.)
In addition, USC requires all new, incoming International Students to receive, or provide documentation of, a tuberculosis blood test performed in the United States or Canada, within 6 months prior to enrollment at USC. Please visit the following website for more information: Please note that a hold will be placed on your student account if you do not take care of this requirement in a timely manner.
Financial Aid
If you have any questions regarding your financial aid award or loans, please contact USC’s Financial Aid Office at (213) 740-4444 or visit them in person at John Hubbard Hall (JHH) from 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday. Please visit their website ( for more information regarding scholarships, fellowships, loans, work study and jobs, etc.
Doctoral Support Center- Contact Dr. Jimenez y West
Please contact your Writing Advisor, Dr. Ilda Jiménez y West, for any writing support. Dr. Jiménez y West can be reached at [email protected] or (213) 740-8099. If you need Dr. Jiménez y West to review your paper, please provide her your paper at least 48 business hours prior to the appointment time.
If you have any other questions, please let me know. Thanks!
Katy Lin
Cohort of 2014 Advisor