- DSC draft reviews provide feedback on student writing assignments for clarity, flow, logic, and general writing issues. The DSC does not provide editing services. For formatting and APA help, students are encouraged to utilize the APA manual and online DSC resources (see item 2).
- Draft reviews are available by appointment for written course assignments for all currently enrolled Rossier doctoral students. Draft review services are especially encouraged for students in the first year of their doctoral program.
- The DSC does not review the same writing twice and only reviews writing before it is read by faculty.
- Students in the Educational Leadership EdD, Global Executive EdD, and PhD programs can also seek feedback on dissertation chapters prior to chair/faculty review. OCL students receive dissertation feedback from their chair and Dissertation Associates (here is the request form for an OCL Dissertation Associate review). Please note that the Dissertation Associates are a separate service from the DSC that is provided by the OCL program.
- Each draft review request should be submitted several days before the assignment due date to allow time to schedule the review and for the student to revise based on DSC feedback. The DSC only reviews one paper/chapter at a time per student (as of 8/19/24). DSC REQUEST FORM
- Online Resources
- Students and Faculty are encouraged to review and use a DSC Academic Tips Google Document managed by the DSC. Students are particularly encouraged to use this while writing.
- Navigating the Dissertation also contains helpful information (although it is outdated, not updated frequently, and not managed by the DSC).
- DSC Google Classroom email [email protected] for how to join.
- DSC Blog
- USC LibGuides have curated collections of resources and strategies by subject, discipline, and program.
- The USC Writing Center offers 25–minute, individual sessions with a writing consultant.
- Presentations and Workshops
- The DSC aims to put together relevant presentations and workshops. Please contact the DSC if you have any special requests.
- New students (and their faculty) are encouraged to skim through our online recordings found under Events and Presentations, as well as in the DSC Academic Tips doc.
- USC Library Workshops present topics on search strategies, citation software managers, APA formatting and more!
- Special Events and Retreats
- DSC Times to Write (virtual study sessions) are designed to provide doctoral students an opportunity to write in a dedicated time and space and to connect with peers.
- The Operation Dissertation Acceleration (ODA) intensive writing retreat is an intervention program ideal for EdD students seeking to make substantive writing progress within a short period.
- Proposal defense and final defense presentation rehearsals (one-on-one over Zoom). We can offer feedback on basic aspects of delivery including pacing, logical flow, and clarity. Email [email protected] or your assigned specialist to schedule. The presentation rehearsal must occur during regular Rossier business hours.
- Live Meetings (in-person, phone, or Zoom) by appointment. Contact [email protected] or your assigned specialist to schedule.
- Online drop-in office hours.
Other Resources for Writing Support
- Editing help?—Students in search of editing assistance should contact their chair, committee members, and/or instructors. The DSC does not maintain a list of professional editors.
- Writing Center assistance?—With the exception of online students, the USC Writing Center offers support.
- Who is the best person from USC Libraries to contact for guidance and assistance? Bridgid Fennell is the social and behavioral sciences librarian for Rossier ([email protected]). The general email for the area is [email protected]. USC Librarians put together various research guides and information that can be very helpful for Rossier students.
Additional Resources
Rossier EdD Format Checklist for Uploaded Dissertations and Capstones and detailed list with dissertation formatting guidance
Setting Up Your Document to Avoid Common Errors
Abstract Guidelines Handout
PPT for Dissertation Defense
PPT for Proposal Defense
Protecting the anonymity of the study site
Tips/Examples for Tables & Figures