Are you struggling with your references? Is the volume of your references getting too big to handle? Do you want to be able to have your references at your fingertips, any time, any where?
If you aren't already using RefWorks, a web-based bibliography and database manager, I encourage you to check it out. Our library supports RefWorks. You can use it to search, read and annotate your references. For more information regarding RefWorks at USC, go to
I also encourage you to check out Mendeley, which is not supported by USC Libraries. It is a free online reference manager. One of the best features is that you can use Mendeley to collaborate with your peers and/or your advisor. Compare its functionality with RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero, and Papers at
If you need any assistance with your papers, please contact your assigned writing advisor:
Cohort 2012 - Linda Fischer, [email protected], (213)740-3813
Cohort 2013 - Evelyn Felina Castillo, [email protected], (213)740-3845
Cohort 2014 - Ilda Jimenez y West, [email protected], (213)740-2199