Weekend and Thursday Night Writes
Download Write Times Fall 2013
Welcome to the DSC. There are Weekend Writes and Thursday Night
Writes. All Doctoral students are welcome to attend as we support
students in all phases of the program. This provides students the
opportunity to commit to writing and have an advisor available to
assist with questions regarding academic writing or the dissertation
process. There is no cost for attending. Students are encouraged to
develop individual writing goals and plans. You can attend as an
individual or create a writing group which meets regularly. Students
are encouraged to coordinate with their writing advisor for meetings
and to schedule any review dates for drafts. Bring your laptop, work
materials, and ear buds and go to work. Remember to bring your Student
ID to access the building. I look forward to seeing all of you. RSVP
at http://www.doodle.com/mugk5tkh98nmz3m5
Fall 2013 Weekend Writes in WPH Rm. B49
Saturday and Sunday, October 19 and 20, 2013, 9 am
– 4 pm, WPH Rm. B49
and Sunday, November 9 and 10, 2013,
9 am – 4 pm, WPH Rm. B49
Saturday and Sunday, December 7 and 8, 2013, 9 am
– 4 pm, WPH Rm. B49
Saturday Finale 5-7 pm Location McKays
Thursday Night Writes -- 5 pm to 9 pm WPH 201
October 17 – 5 to 9 pm Thursday Night Write Location WPH 201
October 24– 5 to 9 pm Thursday Night
Write Location WPH 201
November 14– 5 to 9 pm Thursday
Night Write Location WPH 201
November 21– 5 to 9 pm Thursday
Night Write Location WPH 201
December 5 – 5 to 9 pm Thursday Night Write Location WPH 201
December 12– 5 to 9 pm Thursday
Night Write Location WPH 201 (Tentative)
Mark your calendars. Please RSVP for Weekend Writes and Thursday Night Writes at: http://www.doodle.com/mugk5tkh98nmz3m5. This is a great opportunity to focus and get ‘er done! I look forward to celebrating with all of you at graduation.
Write On and Fight On! Linda
Contact Information: Dr. Fischer via [email protected] or (213) 740-3813