If you collected data and are starting to analyze it, you should attend the following presentations offered during Weekend Write on January 25:
Presenting Results (Ch 4)
WPH 403 at 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Dr. Evelyn Felina Castillo
Using NVivo to Analyze Qualitative Data - CANCELLED - RESCHEDULED DATE TBA
WPH 403 at 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Dr. Angela Bland
To get the most out of these presentations, students should review Navigating the Dissertation, Data Collection and Analysis at http://dissertationedd.usc.edu/ii-data-collection-and-analysis.html, Chapter 4 at http://dissertationedd.usc.edu/1-chapter-4.html; and download and install the NVivo software from USC ITS, https://software.usc.edu/nvivo/. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Evelyn Felina Castillo at [email protected].